Who we are
My first trip to Asia was in 2015. Since then I have continued to be in contact and work with local pastors. In 2023 I felt lead to start Midbar Ministries and start to expand the support we are able to give to local Churches.
Midbar supports an orphanage with 23 students as well as 15 local pastors and missionaries. We offer both financial support and prayer support to the local churches. Our goal is to support local pastors and further the gospel of Jesus Christ in the region. The area we work in has become very hostile to Christians and the local government has been canceling visa’s for missionaries. For these reasons this website does not have any full names or a specific region listed.
What does Midbar Mean
Midbar: An uninhabited land where humans are nomads…….
Midbar is the Hebrew word for deserts or wilderness. The writers of the Bible would have known the wilderness as a place to not only seek God, but also as a training ground. The wilderness is used in scripture as a place to learn how to follow and trust God.
Moses met God in a burning bush in the wilderness
The Hebrew people sojourned in the desert for 40 years following God and learning to trust Him.
David was promised the thrown of Israel but spent years hiding in the wilderness
Elijah hid in the wilderness from Jezebel
John the Baptist lived in the wilderness during his ministry
Jesus did not start His ministry until spending 40 days in the wilderness being tested.
It took many years and a lot of hardships for God to bring the realization to me of what Midbar really is. When you feel completely trapped in a desert season, when life just doesn’t seem fair, or you are overwhelmed by a loss; Then that is exactly the time to draw close to God. The hard times in life are what strengthen our faith and shape us into the image of Christ. Enduring Midbar’s forge into us us something that we will carry into eternity.
Our Mission Statement….
Our Mission is to bring encouragement and support to the church in remote regions of Asia and to bring the gospel to the unreached.
What we do….
Midbar’s main purpose is to raise support both financially and prayerfully for the church in Asia. We help provide education, housing and food to our orphanage. We would like to expand our support to local pastors once the orphanage is fully funded.
The idea behind Midbar Ministry is to learn to use the deserts of our life to grow closer to Christ. It is easy to be self focused when life gets hard, these are exactly the times when we need to be looking to see what we can learn. Ultimately the Midbar seasons of our life will draw us closer to Christ if you will let it.
The message we bring to the persecuted church is encouragement. It is difficult to know what to say to a body of believers who have truly given all for their faith. Local churches are encouraged to hold fast in their faith and reminded of the promised life to come and that we stand with them as part of the body of Christ. We also give financial aid where we can.
There is so much richness to be gained from the international body of Christ. Stories of faith, different perspectives of scripture, meeting new believers, ect. Part of the ministry is to encourage the church here in the USA with the stories we can bring back. It is hard to visit our bothers abroad and not have our own faith revitalized.